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The Queen of Limpopo Makhadzi, paints Polokwane City red in her home coming celebration.

2 min read

The Limpopo Provincial Government hosted a homecoming celebration for Makhadzi in honour of her Black Entertainment Television (BET) Award.

The event, hosted by Limpopo Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba, took place at the Meropa Casino Conference Centre in Polokwane on Thursday morning. Ramathoba delivered a keynote address during the ceremony. In her speech, the Premier said the creative industries play a pivotal role in shaping our cultural identity and fostering economic growth.

As they welcomed Makhadzi who bagged the Viewer’s Choice: Best New International Act at the 24th BET Award held on 2 July at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, California.

“we are reminded of the power of creativity and innovation in transforming lives and communities. These industries encompass a broad range of activities, from music and film to fashion and design, all contribute significantly to our economy by generating employment and driving tourism.” said Premier Ramathuba

The Premier said, Makhadzi’s achievement not only showcase her individual talent, but also highlights the rich cultural heritage and creative potential of our province.

amongst other dignitaries who came to celebrate with the Queen of Limpopo Makhadzi, was the MEC for Sports, Arts and Culture Fumani Jerry Maseko and the Polokwane District Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr. John Makoro Mpe together with other esteemed MECs.

After the celebration Makhadzi and her dedicated team took it back to the people, where her fans and supporters had the honor of seeing and celebrating with her. She paraded her BET award in the streets of Polokwane City and Mankweng.

Despite financial struggles, including having to borrow money for travel expenses, Makhadzi said she hopes that her win will lead to greater support for herself and other artists to ease financial burdens.

During an interview with MacG on Podcast and Chill Makhadzi said . “All that matters is that I’m here with a BET and I was representing South Africa and they came to support this award. The rest is just history. I feel like from today on, they will support me more and other artists so they do not have to borrow money like I did,”

“I think God was with me, I think He felt the pain that I was feeling, that ‘you know what, this girl, she had to take her last money, she had to go next door. But this time around I have to bless her with this so she has to make that money times 20,’” Makhadzi said.

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