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The Nigel Magistrates’ Court on Monday 13 June, granted bail to a 37-year-old woman from Dunnottar near Springs, for allegedly killing her 16-year-old son, by giving him poison. 

It is alleged that on 06 June 2022, the mother also tried to kill her 7 years-old girl. She drove with them towards Free State Province, where the children started falling ill, she then took them to the nearest hospital.

NPA Regional spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana says upon arrival, the boy child had passed on, and the girl was admitted and has been in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) since then. The doctor called the police, who interviewed the accused. The accused mother admitted to poisoning the children, because she was scammed with a large amount of money, and had no means to take care of the children, even to pay school fees.  

She was then arrested and transferred back to Nigel prison. She told the court, that she intended to plead not guilty to the charges laid against her.

The matter was postponed to 24 August 2022, for further investigation.

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